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COPENHELL is Denmark’s biggest openair metal festival. Event debuted in 2010, to present a selection of metal genre's biggest, newest and best names. Copenhell offers a wide range of experiences to everything what a metal heart could desire. From scantily clad ladies who spews fire, a beer garden with beer ad libitum, metal DJs, live metal-karaoke and much more.

Bevakade festivaler:

    Copenhell 2012

    Copenhell 2013

    Copenhell 2014

    Copenhell 2016

    Copenhell 2017

    Copenhell 2018

    Copenhell 2019

    Copenhell 2023

    Copenhell 2024

Namn* Kommentar*

Copenhell nytt Copenhell nytt Skriven 2019-11-15 13:12:53

COPENHELL tilføjer alt fra ikonisk retro-rock til tonstung dødsmetal til 2020-festivalplakaten med 11 stærke nye navne: KISS, DOWN, OPETH, P.O.D., RAISED FIST, WITCHCRAFT, HÄLLAS, GATECREEPER, BLOOD INCANTATION, SANTA CRUZ og DEADLY APPLES.

Efter en eksplosiv start med kæmpestore navne som IRON MAIDEN, JUDAS PRIEST, KORN, DISTURBED og MERCYFUL FATE på plakaten tilføjer COPENHELL nu endnu flere stærke navne til næste års festival.

Megabandet KISS lægger vejen forbi COPENHELL 2020 på deres "End of the Road"-afskedsturné. Det bliver med andre ord den sidste chance for at opleve det legendariske rockband, som snart takker af efter en mere end 46 år lang og glorværdig karriere. Bandet har opnået intet mindre end 30 guld- og 14 platinalbummer - mere end nogen andre amerikanske bands - og sikret sig placeringer højt oppe på de fleste store lister over de vigtigste rockbands nogensinde. Det ikoniske KISS-sceneshow har underholdt musikelskere verden over i mere end fire årtier med masser af pyroteknik, skøre kostumer og vilde stunts - og ikke mindst en fængende blanding af progressiv hardrock og heavy metal. Vi glæder os til at opleve det allersidste show nogensinde med The Starchild, The Demon, The Spaceman og The Catman på dansk grund!

So far...
Copenhell news Copenhell news Skriven 2016-10-21 11:26:11
COPENHELL 2017 announces a huge and unique headline act – SYSTEM OF A DOWN will visit Copenhagen in June next year!

Last year, we opened the gates to a completely sold-out festival for the first time in COPENHELL’s history, with three crazy, atmospheric days full of heavy music and the greatest COPENHELL audience to date: 20,000 wild rock and metal fans threw a thunderous party that had aftershocks shaking the entire festival site for several days afterwards.

COPENHELL 2016 was a fantastic experience, and we are hard at work creating an even greater festival experience next year. Of course, you cannot do that without one of the greatest headliners out there. A headliner that drifts effortlessly around between genres and styles, having delivered a completely unique mix of hard rock and metal since the early 90s. A headliner that is the perfect match for COPENHELL 2017, in other words: SYSTEM OF A DOWN!

“SYSTEM OF A DOWN has been one of our audience’s and our own most wanted bands ever since COPENHELL started. Next year, it has been 12 years since their last concert in Denmark and they have never played at a festival here. Therefore, it’s huge for us to bring this band in as our COPENHELL 2017 headliner,” says COPENHELL organizer Jeppe Nissen.

The Armenian-American band’s latest concert in Denmark was in Valby Hallen in 2005 with an absolutely phenomenal performance that left both audience and reviewers completely awestruck. The following year, the band went on a hiatus to let the members work on their own individual ideas – most notably frontman Serj Tankian’s excellent solo album Elect the Dead – until they were reunited in 2010 and started playing festival concerts.

SYSTEM OF A DOWN’s newly announced European tour brings them to COPENHELL 2017 and will give music fans the first chance in many years to experience the band’s hit-heavy back catalogue with popular songs like Chop Suey!, B.Y.O.B. and Toxicity here in Denmark. Genre-wise, the band covers everything from classic 80s thrash to modern alternative rock, and they represent a lot of the qualities that we associate with COPENHELL: Razor-sharp, incredibly intelligent, almost supernaturally melodic and not least earth-shakingly heavy music.

They are, in other words, the ultimate headliner for a modern rock and metal festival.
Eva Grahn Eva Grahn Skriven 2015-05-25 09:52:35
Marks of Metal genopstår på COPENHELL 2015

Mediemuseets udstilling Marks of Metal – ”Logodesign og visualitet i heavy metal” sætter fokus på den visuelle side af en subkultur, der ellers er kendetegnet ved at være højlydt og larmende.

Ikke desto mindre er der en stærk designtradition inden for metalmusikken, hvor logoet udgør bandets visuelle identitet, mens musikerne selv træder i baggrunden.

Udstillingen tager udgangspunkt i værker af ”Lord of the Logos”, Christophe Szpajdel, fra Belgien. Han har gennem tiden designet logoer til over 8.000 metalbands, bl.a. Emperor, Moonspell og Old Man’s Child.

Derudover viser udstillingen også udviklingen inden for albumcovers i metalgenren, og hvordan logo og cover art bliver til et samlet kunstnerisk udtryk.

Udstillingen kommer omkring den kreative proces, teknikker som kalligrafi og typografi og viser de mange referencer til design- og kunsthistorien, som der trækkes på i designet af albumcovers og bandlogoer.

Udstillingen opsættes et sted i det fri på selve festivalpladsen, og museets faglige medarbejdere vil være til stede på COPENHELL, klar til at tale metalkultur med interesserede fans.

Copenhell news Copenhell news Skriven 2013-12-13 03:48:24
Festival News Festival News Skriven 2013-12-10 17:40:58
Metal festival releases documentary about tough-as-nails man's world

Copenhagen based metal festival Copenhell releases a documentary. The film Men & Metal tells the story about the old workers at the closed shipyard that houses the metal festival. In the film, two of the old workers gets to visit the metal festival, to experience the new kind of metal at the shipyard.

"You could say that B&W has always been a heavy workplace, with every kind of metal. Now we have a new kind of heavy metal[…]"

Men & Metal follows five former workers, who tell cock-and-bull stories about drinking, socialising and fighting at the legendary B&W shipyard. The B&W grounds used to be the working place for 10,000 shipbuilders, but now 10,000 metal fans gathers at the festival every summer. The film shows how much in common the old shipyard workers has with the metal festival audience.

The film premiered at the CPH:DOX International Documentary Film Festival, and is now available online.

Danish metal act Redwood Hill delivered an instrumental version of their album Descender for the film.

Link to Men & Metal: