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  Citadel Music Festival

Good music at an amazing location! The Spandau Citadel- located in Spandau District in the western outskirts of Berlin- is an ancient stronghold from the renaissance and today one of the most meaningful and best preserved ones in Europe. The open-air-concerts are surrounded by old walls and buildings which give all concerts a certain atmosphere that attracts international artists as well as music fans from all over the world.

The Citadel Music Festival is series of about 25 concerts during the summer. The festival has never been restricted to a certain type of music. The artists belong to bands from the punk section, alternative, jazz or even the German pop music section. Among them have been legends like Bob Dylan as well as current bands like Gossip, The Pogues or the US-American alternative band 30 Seconds to Mars.

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Citadel Music Festival | FESTIVALPHOTO