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Mike Tyler - Erection | FESTIVALPHOTO

Mike Tyler - Erection



Mike Tyler is a poet from New York City who has been cited as an infleunce on Beck, and who's words have been stencilled by the artist Banksy outside London's Paddington station (the line used was "only the ridiculous survive"). "Erection" is his second album.

Listening to this album, the closest comparison is to Lou Reed - vocally Mike Tyler is very similar, and the emphasis on the lyrics is also a reason to compare them. Mike Tyler's lyrics are thoughtful and well written with a bit of humour - which is what you'd expect from a poet, good lyrics. Musically the album is a blend of Folk, Blues and Rock'n'Roll.

The tunes are quite catchy and there is a lot of variety here - in fact the album feels quite unpredictable as you're never quite sure what's coming next. An example is the song "Linda" - a song that opens with a few bars of the US national anthem is something that you wouldnt expect to be about Paul and Lina McCartney.

For me the Lou Reed similarity is strong - and that's certainly going to work in Mike Tyler's interests as it means Lou Reed fans are likely to enjoy this album.

An interesting and enjoyable album - definitely one that all Lou Reed fans should have a listen to and enjoy.

"Erection" will be released on 20th August.

Track listing:

1. Sonar
2. stuttering song II
3. Farmer's daughter
4. Conversational spanish
5. I'm not doing it
6. Nearer and nearer
7. Man alone
8. Linda
9. Money grows on your knees
10. Trapdoor troubadour
11. Lonely tonight

Skribent: Anthony May
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