French band Yotangor were formed in Toulouse in 2008 by composer and guitar player Jean-Guy Pichoustre and lead singer Yngrid Allieres. They then recruited some old friends: Tony Marcos, drums, Patrice Hernandez, Bass and Vincent Agar, lead guitar. The following year they released their first album, ‘King Of The Universe’. The album was a very ambitious album - a double concept album with 26 tracks Now they are back with a new symphonic rock album - ‘We Speak’.
This new album isn't a concept album, but it's certainly not a lightweight album lyrically and includes intelligent topics often not addressed in music including racism, the environment and deforestation. Musically it's a fantastic album - some rich symphonic metal, great vocals and a lot of variety.
Opening track "Anonymous" gets the album off to an excellent start - some beautiful gothic metal and a great tune
"Save me" starts with a choir singing and a dramatic spoken word part by Daniel Antoine before the main part of the song kicks in, this track really stands out.
"Come and fly" starts off sounding like an electro-pop song till after 30 or 40 seconds the drums and guitars kick in.
"I keep running" is very reminiscent of Kate Bush in the early parts of the song. I suspect it's deliberate and the title is a nod towards the Kate Bush sone "Running up that hill".
Although the track listing shows 13 tracks, "Love is the Passion" is not a thirteen and a half minute track as your music player will tell you - instead its two separate songs with a gap between them.
I must admit to not having heard the first Yotangor album, but after listening to this one then I'm going to have to try and track down a copy. This is an excellent album that fans of gothic or symphonic metal should certainly check out.
Yotangor are:
Yngrid Allieres – Vocals
Jean-Guy Pichoustre – Guitar
Vincent Agar – Guitar
Damien Castex – Keyboard
Patrice Hernandez – Bass
Tony Marcos – Drums
Track Listing:
1. Anonymous
2. Hold Me Tight
3. Save Me
4. Racism
5. Come And Fly
6. Enslaved
7. We Speak For The Voiceless
8. Eyes On
9. No Mans Land
10. Kings Of The Day
11. Thanks
12. I Keep Running
13. Love Is Passion
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