Omas Teich (German for „Granny’s lake“) is a small festival in the north west of Germany.. 7000 people came to see bands like Turbonegro, Deichkind, Blood Red Shoes, The Rifles, Lemonheads or Disco Ensemble within the 2 days.
The forecast was bad: rain, rain, rain. Luckily we could pitched our tents when it was dry for a moment. It didn’t last long and the whole campside and festival area looked like a lake. As you maybe know from the Glastonbury festival. Just a bit smaller ;). The big plus of this festival are the short ways. You can get from the stage to your tent in 5 minutes. With the mud a bit more. It was difficult to walk through the mud. A lot people fell. So gumboots were the must have number one. Number two a raincoat ...
Many people left Saturday morning because they were fed up with the mud and wet clothes.
The Lemonheads unfortunately didn’t even came. Singer Evan Dando lost his passport the day before at another festival and wasn’t able to fly to Germany.
The rest of the people and bands made the best out of it and enjoyed the concerts. Like with the Blood Red Shoes. They started their set with „It’s getting boring by the sea“ and the crowd were singing along their songs. Thereafter Muff Potter came on stage. Unfortunately it’s been one of the last concerts as they announced their split a few days later. But the gig was great.
Now people were ready for the first headliner of the festival: Turbonegro. Denim jackets everywhere. The vibe was amazing, they played all their hits from „I got erection“ to „Fuck the world“.
As announced, it rained the whole night and morning, and the mud got even worser and worser. Firemen tried to pump off the mud but it was too much. The straw in front of the stage and at the entrance of the festival area helped a little bit.
So we could enjoy the concert of the German newcomers Saboteur (Indie/Post Rock band from Hamburg). Unfortunately there was just a little audience.
Gisbert zu Knyphausen, a German Singer/Songwriter had to sing against the storm (we had wind strength 6 to 7). After some other German Bands like Montreal or Sondaschule Disco Ensemble came on stage. The kids went crazy and sang every single word along. I don’t know who had more fun - the crowd or the band ...
Also like the Kilians. Singer Simon de Hartoog told us a couple of times what a great festival Omas Teich is and was smiling the whole time. They played a great set of new and old songs.
Now it was time for England’s indie darlings The Rifles. They played all their hits like „She got standards“ or „Peace and quiet“, but of course also songs from the recent album „The Great Escape“.
The most people waited just for Deichkind. Some of them also weared clothes like Deichkind. When they entered the stage everybody in the audience just wanted to party. After 1 ½ hour the fun with gumboats and trampolins was over. But not before they played their biggest hit „Krawall und Remmidemmi“, the song everybody waited for. So the crowd was freaking out one last time and crawled back to their muddy tents.
Conclusion: a nice little festival, but without the mud it would have been even better. |