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On Cobblestone street I go back to my roots - Interview with Mike Tramp | FESTIVALPHOTO

On Cobblestone street I go back to my roots - Interview with Mike Tramp



Alive music legend, well known also as singer of old White Lion, Mike Tramp just released his brand new solo-album. As he confessed these songs are about him.. Here is a short talking recorded with Mike.

Reading about your new solo album, it was a kind of dream for you. How do you feel, that it is almost fulfilled now?

MT: Well Dream might not be the correct word, but I've sure been wanting to do this kind of simple and raw sounding album for a long time. At the same time I am also aware that it didn't feel right until last year when on day i went into the studio just to try something out, and 5 days later came back out with a finished album.

How is Mike Tramp’s solo style in these new songs?

MT: I would not say it's any easier, cause it's actually harder to stop yourself from not overloading the songs with instruments, than it is to do a full band album. The thing is it just felt right to do it now and I loved being in the studio with just my partner Soren Andersen.

What is your Muse, so where is your inspiration from?

MT: This is really more about listening to yourself and trusting yourself. I know that for almost two decades I wasn't aware that the reason i write songs the the way i do and that it has never changed, be it White Lion, Freak of nature or Mike Tramp solo. Is because of the background i grew up with in the late 60's to late 70's. Denmark was a heaven for a folk oriented acoustic music as it was smack in the middle of the hippie movement. I was just a young boy, but I know now that it heavily influenced me without me knowing it, and today I just know it as that is who Mike Tramp is.

What are your new songs about?

MT: Since I released my first solo album in 1996, I have chosen to sing about myself and how I see life and how I live life. I feel much better being honest than trying to make up something just to fill a song. On Cobblestone street i go back to my roots and i also deal with my very difficult personal life. It is almost like you come inside my heart and soul and witness the pain.

From how long time do you work with Cobblestone Street in total?

MT: The album was recorded and mixed in 5 days, but i have written the songs over the past two years and two songs goes back to when I recorded my first solo album in 1996.

Which is your favorit song from the disc and why?

MT: I stand by all the songs and each has their own personal story and place in my soul. But I guess one could say that Cobblestone street is an extra special song that has brought this album back home to where Mike Tramp's music and soul comes from.

Did you cooperated with any musical-support, or any artist during this album, or you worked alone?

MT: The only other person involved in the recording of this album is my co producer Soren Andersen, who also is the engineer and plays some of the instruments on the album besides myself.

How many songs do you have at all, what you’ve written and were released in your life?

MT: I have never counted them, but it is a lot and there are more to come.

If you would have only one chance to listen to an album during your whole life, which would you choose?

MT: The River by Bruce Springsteen

What do you think, where is your way to? Where will you be 10 years later?

MT: I am an artist, singer and songwriter, I perform with my guitar and I would imagine that I am still doing that in 10 years, if I am lucky enough to still be alive..


Skribent: Orsi Kurcz
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