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ahab - Wits end | FESTIVALPHOTO

ahab - Wits end



ahab are a British band with a very American sound. After releasing their debut CD (a.h.a.b) they spent two months playing a residency at Tootsie's Orchid lounge in Nashville. During this time they changed from a duo to a four-piece which coupled with their time in the US obviously had a big effect on their sound.
This album, 'wits end' is a compilation of songs from the band's two EPs - 'No king' (2010) and 'KMVT' (2011), which gives many people the chance to hear these songs for the first time.

It's a hard sound to describe - at first I was going to call it country, but then as I listened further, rock seemed more appropriate, but after listening to the whole album I think "alt country" is the best description for them. It's a sound that mixes country and rock and the end result is extremely listenable.

Brief comments on a couple of tracks..

The album opens with 'Wish you'. It's quite a fast paced song and it gets the album off to a great start.

'Lightnin bug' is one of my favourite songs on the album. The country element is quite strong in this one but there's also a rock element to it as well.

It's a great album - the mix of country and other sounds works really well and it's an album that will appeal to alt-country fans, and fans of country and of rock are also likely to find something here that they'll enjoy.

'Wits end' is out now on Navigator records.

Track listing:

1. Wish you
2. Lightnin' bug
3. Run me down
4. Like roses
5. Call a waiter
6. Lucy
7. Joanna
8. To the light
9. Docker's hands
10. Rosebud
11. Where's the one you love?

Skribent: Anthony May
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