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BEHEMOTH | Announce title of forthcoming studio album: 'The Satanist' | FESTIVALPHOTO

BEHEMOTH | Announce title of forthcoming studio album: 'The Satanist'

BEHEMOTH, who have been holed up in Hertz Studios working on their tenth full-length album, are pleased to announce its title: 'The Satanist'.

'The Satanist' will come out this Autumn.
"It took us over two decades to come up with a title that…says it all. While our new songs artistically take surprisingly adventurous directions, our message stands steadfast—Proud and Radical. »The Satanist« stands for undying yearning for liberation and love for freedom in all aspects of life. Considering all our life experiences that often took dramatic curves I couldn't think of more appropriate and fitting statement of who and where we are now” comments BEHEMOTH front man Nergal.

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Skribent: Anthony May
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