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The Toasters and many more... @ New Cross Inn | FESTIVALPHOTO

The Toasters and many more... @ New Cross Inn

London is the city where punk and ska had their explosion. Is it still a musical city? I can say yes, in London there are still many places where you can listen to some good punk bands. One of these places is New Cross Inn. On the 9th of April, I went there to attend a day of ska punk bands.

A bill full of interesting names, first of all, The Toasters, the legendary New York City ska band. Around 3 pm the first band hit the stage with a mix of punk melodic hardcore. They were BarCreeps, a London punk band newly formed. Just to warm up the few of us already on the first lines. Second band on the bill, The Bobonboboffs from Southampton and their funny ska and lots of entertainment. Then comes Codename Colin, again ska but really good guys! They come from Hertforshire and they are also presenting their new EP, which is, by the way, really good. Following, For I Am, from Belgium, simple pop punk with a female voice, to let the boots start moving. Really good, especially the voice. One of the best moments has been the performance of the Pokemon Liberation Army, a - what can I say? - punk, ska, hardcore, raggae, band from Bristol. Well, they presented themselves as The Toasters.. Don’t let the bastards catch ‘em all! What a fun! Keep an eye on them! Operation Offbeat followed, from London to set everything on fire! Check out their album ‘Prologue’ for a finest ska punk music.

The Pisdicables instead are a classic ska band, really good to dance and enjoy the good vibes. But the king of good vibes is Captain Accident with The Disasters. Raggae and ska, how can you stay still with their music? Move and enjoy really good songs! Finally, the masters of NYC ska… The Toasters! One hour of full entertainment, good music, dance and pogo!

Well, I absolutely suggest to go and see them live! And check also the New Cross Inn events.. Next on the list GBH. It is really a welcoming place where you can find new friends while you drink a good beer and listen to some old good punk rock songs!

Skribent: Stefania Grosso
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