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Angelic Upstarts @ Rock Town, Italy | FESTIVALPHOTO

Angelic Upstarts @ Rock Town, Italy



It's true, some kind of music, some places, can bring you back in time, can bring you all over the world. Even if it is a small gig, in a small place, on a simple Saturday night, something special can happen.

So here we go, with this legendary band, Angelic Upstarts, in a small club in the North East of Italy singing all together "Tory Tory Tory Out Out Out". They played one hour, more or less, bringing back all the great hits, such as Woman in Disguise, I'm an Upstart, Teenage Warning, Police Oppression, plus adding some new songs from their last album.

Well, it's not the first time I saw them live, but this time is different, it's different the place and it is different the time. But they are still great and they know how to engage people, with jokes and eternal riffs.

Angelic Upstarts are one of those UK oi/street punk bands which will be forever remembered because they get along with a unity message, a powerful message, peace and anti-nazi message!
The gig ended with Little Towers probably their most representative song, and it seems that time never passes when you still believe in something!


Skribent: Stefania Grosso
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