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How to live the Electric Castle 2024 experience sustainably | FESTIVALPHOTO

How to live the Electric Castle 2024 experience sustainably



How to live the Electric Castle experience sustainably

With free access to drinking water, dedicated train and bus transport and charging stations powered by solar energy, Electric Castle encourages its participants to an experience of sustainable festival.

The reusable water bottle becomes the coolest accessory for Electric Castle attendees.
With the edition that will debut on July 17 this year, the festival will offer free access to drinking water, including the campsite, which is possible following the extension of the water main from Bonțida and own investments made to connect to it. The organizers wish that, thus, to significantly reduce the amount of plastic bottle waste and provide an al-ternative advantageous for participants from a financial point of view.

With the help of the public, the festival aimed to reduce the total amount of waste ge-nerated during the 5 days of the event and increase from 20 to 25% the degree of recycling. Over 200 people will be involved in maintaining cleanliness and ensuring the selective collection of waste. For plastic waste that cannot be recycled, the ASAP association has a space dedicated where participants can discover creative ways to reuse. consume responsible is also a step in waste reduction. The Food Bank will take over
the food that will not be sold, and in EC Village Royal Showers return, the showers with a system timed, which reduces water and energy consumption by 30%. Last year, this year
system resulted in an economy of 2 million liters of water. All initiatives are supported by Lidl Romania.

Sustainable transport remains a priority for Electric Castle. In 2023, over 10,000
people traveled with EC trains, so this year the organizers are supplementing with
40% the number of allocated seats. In addition to trains, participants will be able to opt for buses dedicated, which will circulate non-stop. Those who choose to come by car will benefit from free parking and prizes if all seats in the car are occupied.

A premiere in the festival campsite: through a pilot project of E.ON Romania, part of
the accommodation structures will be powered by solar energy. It is a test that, if it will be prove viable, it can be expanded in the future, complementing the already existing initiative through which the alleys in EC Village are lit from the same eco source. Also for the first time at an Electric editionCastle, used oil finds a new destination by partnering with OilRight who will collect the oil used in the preparation of the festival food and will turn it into candles.

With the support of OMV, the grass stays green at the castle, even after 5 days of partying. 20 of hectares of land will be sown at the end of the festival, and planting will resume in autumn in EC Village to reach the number of 10,000 trees planned in the supported project by Banca Transilvania.

More details about Electric Castle's sustainable initiatives on


Skribent: Vlad Ionut Piriu
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