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On October 9, the tribute bands Chop Suey and Disturbed UK are coming to Quantic from Bucharest. | FESTIVALPHOTO

On October 9, the tribute bands Chop Suey and Disturbed UK are coming to Quantic from Bucharest.



UK Tribute to System of A Down + Disturbed

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Public access: 19:00
On October 9, the tribute bands Chop Suey and Disturbed UK are coming to Quantic from Bucharest.

CHOP SUEY is Europe's number 1 System of a Down tribute band, featuring Sam Totman from Dragonforce, Andre Joyzi on drums (ex-Breed 77) and guitarist Tommy Hunt from Anti Nowhere League.


- presales - the first 200 tickets - 59 lei

- press releases - the next 200 tickets - 69 lei

- press 2 - 79 lei

- at the entrance 100 lei

The ticketing agency's commission is added to the price of all tickets.

Tickets are available in electronic format at and in Flanco, Muzica stores, and Selfpay terminals. Online, you can pay by card, Paypal, Sodexo cultural voucher cards, on Vodafone or Orange invoice or cash on delivery via Fan Courier anywhere in the country.

Skribent: Vlad Ionut Piriu
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