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Voodoo Highway: Broken Uncle´s Inn | FESTIVALPHOTO

Voodoo Highway: Broken Uncle´s Inn



Voodoo Highway/Rock´n´Growl

VOODOO HIGHYAY may bring to mind bands like VOODOO X or even BADLANDS, but it is really DEEP PURPLE you should think of. These five gents from Italy have been around since 2010, by recording their first EP “This Is Rock´n´Roll, Cocks”. This effort generated some attention, not least from Craig Gruber of ELF, RAINBOW etc. fame. 70-ies hard rock is apparently blended with catchy melodies, and the Classic Rock Channel has hailed them as the best to come out of Italy since Super Mario. Gigs are lining up and everything seems bright enough for the future…or is it?

The odd but unique intro “Intro (since 1972)” is a bit surprising, but reveals that there is some thought involved. From then on much is focused around Gillan/Lord etc. The seventies grooves are all around and the various ages of DEEP PURPLE seems ubiquitous. Not least in one of the absolute highlights, “Gasoline Woman”. That track is like a trip through the ages of say 1970 through to 1984. The title track is well chosen, the refrain is an absolute highlight. The third smash hit is the surprisingly un-Purple “The Fire Will Burn Away”. There is also the quite odd but forceful almost TYGERS OF PAN TANG-like “Running Around”. The two more questionable moments are the somewhat directionless ballad “Heaven with No Stars”, and the worst of titles; “J.C. Superfuck”. The worst of a decade seems to have been put into one track alone. All in all VOODOO HIGHWAY operates a fine business, with a nod to the heroes of old. Perhaps they will have a shot at real stardom with the right backing from a major record company. This is well worth your attention, supposing you have a penchant for wide jeans and sweaters that would have fitted in on BLACK SABBATH`S cover of “Sabotage”.

Track List
Intro (Since 1972)
Till It Bleeds
The Fire Will Burn Away
J.C. Superfuck
Running Around
Broken Uncle´s Inn
Heaven with No Stars
Gasoline Woman
In Fact It´s the Worst

Skribent: Mikael Johansson
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