There are many guitarists in this world
Many of us have surely tried, and many more got further. But to reach top-notch is definitely not for everyone. During the years we have seen the likes of Jimmy Page, Ritchie Blackmore, Joe Satriani etc. But who is next? I put my money on DAVID MARTONE. David who you say, but read on, and discover the next big guy before everyone does!
Hi Dave, and cheers for your time!
1/When did you start playing, and who influenced you?
I started at 6. I never wanted to play the guitar. I was more content to play with my hot wheels cars and beat up my brother!!! My father had it in mind that I should play guitar! He was a player and wanted to become a famous guitar god!!! So... when he had me his evil plan was to torment me and make me play and practice as much as possible. He actually bribed me to practice!! He would pay me 10 cents an hour. And I'm not kidding!!!! All I knew about was classical guitar players though, and so I was influenced from dudes like Julian Bream, John Williamns, Carlos Montoya etc. Then I heard BLACK SABBATH! I POOPED MY PANTS and it was all downhill from there!!!!!
2/What is your favorite guitar and set up?
For live I use
Vox amplification. Usually a VTX Valvetronix head or combo
This is controlled by the VC12 footswitching system
Pedals are Digitch Whammy, Digitech Reverb, Route 66 compressor, Radial PZD!. Ernie Ball Volume
Guitars are Parker Fly Deluxe, Classic and Mojo.
Strings are GHS and picks are Frock.
3/How do you regard your own career?
I´m always trying to strive for the next best thing. It’s hard but rewarding doing mostly everything yourself, but I’m at the point where I need some help. I need to get to the next level and the assistance of a established manager would be invaluable for me right now I believe! It’s so important to gain exposure and get out there. I am fortunate to be working with a great team at Magna Carta, especially Barbara who is my European publicist and find that the more visible you are, the better!!
4/How do you rate yourself compared to guitarists that have achieved more “visible “ fame, i.e. Bumblefoot?
I am sure there are amazing guitar players out there in basements everywhere!! Some that would scare us all into instantly falling into the fetal position sucking our thumbs!!! The word you used was “visible” and that is an important word. Ron got quite “visible” from being in G N R and that has pushed him into the next level! All of us are looking for that vehicle to help take us there. It is difficult today to make it as an instrumental guitar player, so being able to have a few different streams or ways to get there is always a great thing! So to rate myself against more visible guitarists, I would say I still need that big shiny pimping vehicle to take me there, but I’m trying to make my own vehicle work in the meantime!
5/ How do you see yourself develop in the next 3, 5 /or 10 years?
I see many things, but first and foremost is touring as much as possible!!! I want to tour the whole planet and get my name to as many corners of the globe as possible! I see myself also producing and mixing music in my studio of other possible instrumentalists as well as putting out new records of my own. I also want to play with some huge pop artists as their guitarist for tours. Also I see myself collaborating with more of my mentors in the coming years as well as tours with them. And trying to keep in shape and not eat a thousand potato chips!!!!
6/Which is the latest development of David Martone, does it show on your album?
Something that is new and exciting is Parker Guitars are in the works of talks of a Martone signature guitar! That is quite amazing actually and I am so humbled and honored to be given this great privilege! We had a meeting in Los Angles at NAMM to discuss what the model would have on it! How exciting to have your ideas come to fruition!!! We are trying to get a tour together at moment and hope that this will stimulate the movement of more records. I have taken on a weekly gig here in Vancouver hosting a “Jam your Face off with Martone” evening. This happens on Sunday night at a club called the Point! It should be tons of fun!!!!!!
7/Where are your bigest markets and who is the typical Dave Martone fan?
A typical Dave Martone fan is someone that likes to have fun with music and does not treat it super serious, but still has a strong passion for virtuosity. Also they have to enjoy the odd lager or ale or spirit! Biggest market is an interesting question. I really don't have an answer to that question. The internet it makes you quite accessible wherever you are and makes that hard to answer. I would be guessing. I have never played in Europe, but my last label was based in Europe. I have played many places in North America and my new label is from New York. I would have to say North America. I think the more you play live, the more fans you will get than just putting up videos on YouTube. There is a certain need for that, don't get me wrong, but playing live and kicking ass is the best way to get fans and to have people start talking about you. It's all about creating a buzz!!!
8/Was “Hybrid Angels” written before or after your solo album? How would you rate the track alongside the music on your solo album
It was written after my solo album and it was done in a very interesting way. I was asked from the label if I wanted to partake in the project. I expressed interest but it was to be done in a different way than I have ever done. They submitted 2 different trax to me basically completed. They wanted me to add to the melodies or come up with new melodies altogether. So the arrangement stayed intact and all rhythm guitar, drums and bass parts were already done. I had no say on anything in that matter. I was told I could follow the scratch melodies and make them “martonized” or just come up with my own melodies. I opted for the latter. So it was actually quite difficult to do especially since I had to design a verse chorus type of environment within the structure of the song to what I thought it should be. There were many many repeating parts in the song and somehow I needed to make it come alive. That was the hardest part. I would not rate the track anywhere as strong as the music off of Clean since it is not really my song, but me adding the icing on top of someone else’s vision. The great name of the song “Hybrid Angles” was named by singer songwriter Carmelina Cupo.
9/What´s cooking at the moment? What can we expect to see of you in Europe/Scandinavia?
Man I want to get to Europe so bad I can taste it!!!!!! Scandinavia would be awesome as well. Right at the moment I am have my summer tour booked for the National Guitar Workshop and also for Berklee College of Music. Watch www.davemartone.com for details. After that I hope events are in place and in order to take me to Europe! Thanks for the great questions Miggo!!
WEll, well, what do you say, this guy is as fluent and pleasent to talk to as he is an accomplished player. If there is a solo guitarist I´d pay good money to see at the moment it is Dave. Please check out my review and while you´re at it, check out David too at www.davemartone.com and www.magnacarta.net. And mark my words, Dave is the next BIG guitarplayer.