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Mastercastle: Dangerous Diamonds | FESTIVALPHOTO

Mastercastle: Dangerous Diamonds




Italians MASTERCASTLE seems to become hotter by the day. They debuted in 2009 with the neoclassical “The Phoenix”, returned with the more straightforward “Last Desire” and now they apparently aim to combine the two with their third outing. The driving force behind the band seems to be guitarist Pier Gonella, bass player Steve Vawamas and drummer Alessandro Bissa. They chose vocalist Giorgia Gueglio to crown their efforts with her quite exceptional voice. The topics in the lyrics are very varied, everything from an Italian painter to the harsh lives of fishermen is included here. Is this their best yet?

The dynamically melodic “Another Flower” says they´re doing alright, no more. The refrain is a big vague, but the sound, especially the guitar, is great. The agreeable “Alone” hints at no more, but the more progressive and well flowing “Time 4 Lovers” feels better. The rollercoaster continues the entire album, but the guitars and the vocals remain strong features. The pompously beautiful “Lovin´ Me” is the album highlight, while the surprise is the vague title track. If you like their previous output you will not be let down. They mix their previous releases, and reach a level of neo-progressive that is loser to the debut than to the follow-up. As always with Italians they are stylish artists, the Dario Argento like flowing art form is best represented by the lavish instrumental “Blue Diamond”. But are they a shining Ferrari or a rusty Alfa 33? The next album will tell.

Track List
Another Flower
Time 4 Lovers
Icy Moon
Au Premiere Coup
Dangerous Diamonds
Take Off
Blue Diamond (Instrumental)
Lovin´ Me
Sixth Sun
Bitter & Sweet

Skribent: Mikael Johansson
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