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Polution: Beyond Control | FESTIVALPHOTO

Polution: Beyond Control



Escape/Sound Pollution

POLUTION was formed back in 1997, and have achieved two full-length albums, one in 2007, and this one now in 2012.
The band originally performed covers, and have supported the likes of AC/DC, KROKUS and JOHN COGHLAN (ex. STATUS QUO). Their debut “Overheated” is described as somewhat quirky, this time they opt for a more polished sound, somewhere in the region of GOTTHARD and KROKUS, or even NICKELBACK, argh.

But what about the voice!? After a short intro they go for the ok “Fire”, with a nice refrain and some force behind it…but the voice seems uncomfortable with the style? The pace is not always amusing, the songs are even vague at times, like “Forever and a Day”, and I don´t remember the lyrics. Apart from the tedious but hilarious “The Band”, which has pubertal lyrics. They even go for “Jeremy-territory” towards the end, but the nineties were the wrong way out for this lot. I can´t imagine AC/DC-fans falling over this one, and where is the pure entertainment the info promised? This album is strangely meek for Escape Music.

Track List
Rising Danger
Live Until You Die
Forever and a Day
Follow Me
The Band
Bite Me

Skribent: Mikael Johansson
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