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Anton Johansson´s Galahad Suite: S/T | FESTIVALPHOTO

Anton Johansson´s Galahad Suite: S/T



Lion Music Digital

Former Mr. Kite bass player Anton Johansson has apparently been nurturing this idea for about 30 years, before assembling this talented lot. The players here are of cause in some cases personnel from the dormant MR. KITE but also stars like Mattias IA Eklund (FREAK KITCHEN, ex GLORY), Magnus Karlsson (ALLEN/LANDE and almost everyone associated with Frontiers Records), Jonas Hansson (SILVER MOUNTAIN), Jens Johansson (ex DIO, ex. YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, STRATOVAIUS) etc. The story of Sir Galahad may begin.

There are a lot of clever and elaborated arrangements on this one. The part of “Never Alone – The Victory”, “Coming Home – The Reward” and “Vision Divine – The End” is almost a 100 % perfect. The only stale moment to me is “Hunted – The Decision”, a song that evaporates Monday morning at the office and the weariness of daily chores. But I guess that the never ending track is needed for the story to unfold. It is truly interesting to follow in the tracks of Sir Galahad and I must say that the female backing voices of Evelina Andersson and Ellen Abrahamsson are not overused, but used with masterful feeling. It is as I hinted at before when the project is to delicate and brooding on the story that they lose touch with their metal roots and become a sort of uninspired BLACKMORE´S NIGHT. But that is mercifully a short moment of the story. Otherwise we get a lot of musicianship paired with a most entertaining story hovering betwixt epic hard rock and progressive metal. Well done!

Track List
Galahad - The Hope
Somewhere - The Quest
Happy - The Incident
Hunted - The Decision
Morning Sun - The Battle
Loneliness - The Peace
Never Alone - The Victory
Coming Home - The Reward
Vision Divine - The End
Galahad - The Man

Skribent: Mikael Johansson
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