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Torchure: Beyond the Veil | FESTIVALPHOTO

Torchure: Beyond the Veil



Vic Records/Sound Pollution

TORCHURE from Uelzen, Germany, formed in 1985 managed three demos, one split with a couple of also rans and two full-length albums during their approximately eight year lifespan. Their label 1MF Records probably never estimated this belated rerelease.

The band consisted of vocalist Martin Matzak, bassist Thorsten Reissdorff, drummer Stefan Pickbrenner, and guitar wielders Thomas and Andreas Reissdorff. During the bands existence there seems to have been a female drummer and a couple of brothers more, and apparently one Carsten Schulz, but not the Carsten Schulz.
Their intro “The Veil of Sanity” is similar Dario Argento and GOBLIN, which is a masterstroke. From then on this is actually one of those unsung heroes albums that really deserves a rerelease. The mix of classic 90´s death and doom is sometimes interrupted by speedy parts, the vocals are of the early and enjoyable kind, the drumming is not triggered beyond belief or grinding and the melodies are simple but effective. This is death as it was meant to be.

Track List
Veil of Sanity (Intro)
In His Grip
Abysmal Malevolence
Mortal at Last
Resort to Mortality
Genocidal Confessions
Vortex of Thoughts
Beyond the Veil

Skribent: Mikael Johansson
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