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Empires of Eden on Youtube | FESTIVALPHOTO

Empires of Eden on Youtube

Empires Of Eden - Reborn In Fire featuring Sean Peck (Cage) discussing the song "Total Devastation".

Sean’s song Total Devastation is definitely the heaviest track on the cd and pure, kick in the face screaming heavy metal. The new album from Empires of Eden – “Reborn in Fire” will feature some of the world’s most respected heavy metal voices. With the already announced Mike Vescera, Zak Stevens, Steve Grimmett and Carlos Zema the album also showcases the incredible talents of Aussie singers Louie Gorgievksi, Chris Ninni and Mike Zoias.”

With a 30 piece orchestral score – 8 singers – one album – Empires of Eden – Reborn in Fire.

For all news and pre release information check

Skribent: Mikael Johansson
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