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Debt of Nature: Crush, Kill and Burn | FESTIVALPHOTO

Debt of Nature: Crush, Kill and Burn



Deity Down Records/Code 7

What do you get from mixing NAPALM DEATH, CHILDREN OF BODUM and DYING FETUS? DEBT OF NATURE according to the info sheet, and the reason is said to be their blend of grind, death, thrash, hardcore and crust. After one EP, and one full-length album, their debut “Dreams Kill on Command” the band today consists of; Masae Dausend, growls, Marc Göring (ex LEGACY OF DARKNESS), vocals, Kevin Siepmann, drums, Stavro Kamari (ex ROUND THE VOID), bass, and guitarists Marcus Italiani and Limon Lukassek. Ok, hit it!

The intro “Debt of Nature Reprise reveals nothing about the band´s music. On the contrary, it is all about piano and synthesizer. Andy Classen has mixed and mastered, and the sound is fine as always with good separation. Drumming in DEBT OF NATURE is a sweaty job and the drums are trigged to the max in “Masturbator Generator”. The thrashing base reminds me of early TANKARD, then there is more ingredients of harder varieties. The title track blaze on, harder than most. But DEBT OF NATURE has better sound quality than many of their competitors, and with all the influences there is something here for many. Masae doesn´t sound very girlish, she´s like rougher Sabine Classen simply put. The grind is what I find the hardest in the long run. Of the mentioned favorite bands they sound closest to DYING FETUS if you ask me, enforced by a healthy penchant for TANKARD. The two guitarists do a fine job keeping me interested, the grinding drums works the other way. They should be able to use their wide influences for more varied drumming. They add some doom in the opening of “Eisenfresser”, and the guitar work is interesting too. DEBT OF NATURE varies a bit during the album, they get more old school in the (perhaps Giallo influenced) “Nightmare of the Fashion Whore”. I think the band agrees that thrash riffs are the best openers. We could probably discuss the procentual mix of influences and structure quite a few times during the songs. Crust and hardcore are rather boring on their own but the band make themselves interesting with heavy thrash groves. I find this a light in the black in a genre that is often totally derivative.

Track List
Intro (Debt of Nature Reprise)
Masturbator Generator
Crush, Kill and Burn
Like Breeding Rats
Insalata Tarantula
Why I Hate
Nightmare of the Fashion Whore
Caterpillar Walk
Demise of Dementia
Peeping Tom

Skribent: Mikael Johansson
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