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Serenity: Death & Legacy | FESTIVALPHOTO

Serenity: Death & Legacy



Napalm/Sound Pollution

German band SERENITY plays symphonic metal, and has done so for a decade. They now release their third album, with a lot of symphony, enforced by guests like Charlotte Wessels (DELAIN), Ailyn (SIRENIA) and Amanda Somerville. This is an album about historic persons like Christopher Columbus, Casanova, and Sir Francis Drake. Is that the road to fame and fortune?

The intro, “Set Sail to”, feels like a matinee movie. It is probably very scrutinized considering the album´s historical themes. The symphonic progressive “New Horizons” has a good ring to it. Georg Neuhauser´s voice and Mario Hirzinger´s keyboards are the main focuses, as is the very strong melody. It is all historically pompous as an epic adventure film, and goes down well with me. And that goes for the entire disc. “The Chevalier”, “State of Siege”, “Changing Fate”, and, “Beyond Desert Sands” are all examples of SERENITY`S collective talent, especially for arrangements. There is nothing here that reminds of a filler, which is almost eyebrow-raising with 16 tracks. This is earth shattering, symphonic, lightly-progressive power metal with duets, female vocals in all the right places, sensibly pompous, really good sound, strong guitar work by Thomas Buchberger and substantial lyrics based on historical events. I sincerely hope they get enough credits for this epic!

Track List
Set Sail to (Intro)
New Horizons
The Chevalier
Far From Home
Heavenly Mission
Prayer (Interlude)
State of Siege
Changing Fate
When Canvas Starts to Burn
Serenade of Flames
Youngest of Widows
Below Eastern Skies
Beyond Desert Sands
To India´s Shore
Lament (Interlude)
My Legacy

Skribent: Mikael Johansson
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Sören Sören Skriven 2011-05-05 15:20:47
Gotta get that one!
